New Year is here... Let the new eating plan commence!

Since having my little man I have been the heaviest/biggest I have ever been - a size 20/22 bottom half and a size 18 top! (for now I shall keep my weight to myself if you don't mind (it's embarrassingly heavy)...

Other than the last weeks of my pregnancy when I was so bloated I resembled a helium balloon I have never been so uncomfortable in my life! The consolation is that at least my hands and feet are normal again!

I've spent the last 7 months focusing on my little man, grabbing food on the go and on reflection not eating regularly and then eating/drinking the wrong things (Carbs in the form of pasta, bread and rice! Diet Coke and Coffee) when I get the chance has not helped my weight issues.

My weight problems were pre-existent to pregnancy and made my journey more difficult - high blood pressure due to this and the bloating/swelling led to constant monitoring for pre-eclampsia and having to take mat leave earlier than I would have wanted.

Our little man arrived safe and sound but I am resolved that next time around (should we be blessed again) I am going to do everything I can to make sure I am physically fit - which is where Dr Dukan comes in...

I've tried Weight Watchers and whilst it works, it is too costly whilst on Mat Leave and when I return to work I am not going to have time for meetings, plus my own Dr has recommended that I need something stricter to start with... so the Dukan Plan it is...

I intend to use this blog for my own personal journal and if it inspires and helps others then so be it...


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