Exante - Day 1

Day 1: This is where I currently am - 120kg, dress size 20/22.
The top picture is why I am doing this - my little man. I want more energy to
play with him, I want to take a ball to the park and kick it around without as much pain.My weight isn't helping my M.E. and it is causing me to snore so much that D is sleeping most nights in the lounge! 😱
The only way I am going to do all this is by kicking myself up the arse, stop procrastinating and turning to food when I am happy, sad or just because! No more little treats because I deserve it... those little treats have mounted up in lbs!! As well as £s which could be being saved for something better!
I've given myself a good talking too (someone's got too) and for once I have listened. I am still an avid believer that Slimming World is the correct forever path for a healthy lifestyle change but personally I know I currently need something where there are stronger limits to start with.
I played with the idea of using the Dukan again - but at the moment it doesn't fit with my working life. With Exante, from what I've read and seen stalking Instagram it will fit nicely. The shakes in the AM will stop me reaching for the toaster (bread, I love you but we must go on a break! I am sorry!) Days when I am on the go, I can take some fruit and bar with me, team meeting days means that I can do the reverse, eat at lunch and bar or shake in the evening.
All which is great but I need to increase my water intake and actually do some exercise! Starting of easy with walking and yoga and then building in the cardio once I have decided on a gym... I need one which is pay as you go as I know me and know that I'll start with good intentions and then the M.E. will take over!
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