Clothing Challenge #1

I've decided to set myself a goal each month to get into/feel comfortable in a different item of clothing...

First up is this dress it's a size 18, I bought off eBay just before Christmas thinking it would fit - I have coveted it since my days of working at New Look when I brought it in a 16 (I was a 14) because it came up small, I promptly took it back, as D laughed and said it wasn't really my style - too girly...

As my style lent more to rock/surfy minimal effort for maximum impact, he was right but I still loved it - I just figure the 'Rock Chick' in me can wear it with leggings and boots when she finally breaks free...

The problem being I forgot it came up small across the bust - so whilst it would have fitted and cover my horrid stomach it just wouldn't go over what Gok would call my 'Bangers'

So the challenge is to see if with the help of Dr Dukan I can get into this by the beginning of February!

If it takes a little longer so be it... Because I WILL wear it! D has been warned no laughing this time - or else! 😄


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