Logan, Lush and Cats...

Those who know me well know that since first discovering Lush at their Carnaby Street store back in 1998 (I think!) with Mum, I have been a convert! It is my Mecca...

I was so excited when they finally got around to opening the doors of their Colchester store! I sniff them out where ever I go... It's hard not too with the gorgeous scents wafting down the street, luring you in!

I've done my stint as a Lush girl - Temping for Christmas way back when I had finished college... And I suppose, it's not so secretly, known that I would give my current career up , to return to my Complementary Medicine training and work in their spa.

However, I don't think commuting or relocating to Poole or London would be financially viable. However, if they ever opened one in this area, I'd apply to work there in a heartbeat!

For now I just have to settle for occasionally wandering into Colchester for a sniff/test and treating myself to a goody (or two!) Pre-L, my bathroom was full to the brim with the iconic little black pots, bath bombs and bubble bars. But now days, I can't really justify spending £30 (or more) in there, and if I buy a bubble bar or bomb I have to share.

L has the nose! He can sniff out a Lush goody a mile off, but I keep telling myself at least it means hopefully, he won't smell horrid as a teenager!

So yesterday, having been to lunch with P for her 21st, we left P and her friend to head in the direction of MAC and Urban Decay, whilst we had an important mission of finding some balloons before catching the train home...

Two mins later L sniffed out Lush, the conversation went like this:

'umm Mummy what's that delicious smell?'

'The Cornish pasty shops, but surely you're not hungry you've just had Nandos!'

'No! You silly Mummy, it's LUSH!'

Mission find the balloon shop was momentarily put aside; as reluctantly (yeah right!) we went to discover what new Easter goodies they had.

Off he marched, straight to the bath section and proceeded to carefully sniff every new product - rating them as he went - he quite liked the look of the caterpillar Bubblegrub bubbleroon but didn't rate the stinky smell of it (Vetiver - quite woody and not for everyone) and then he found the Bunch of Carrots reusable bubble bars. Priced at £5.95 for three carrots, which according to the reviews, can be used about two times each this wasn't too bad! We usually have the Fun dough which is £5.00, so this was reasonable.

Tempted, as I was to buy up all my favourites, having just bought P's birthday present I resisted and decided instead to allow myself ONE bubble bar. I still have some of my favourite - The Comforter left over, so I decided to try something new from their Mother's Day range.

It didn't take too many sniffs to find Ultraviolet, a gorgeous purple, blue and green rainbow bubble bar that smells very much like my go to Lush shampoo when I am a blonde - Daddy-O

I have always wanted them to extend this scent to a bath bomb or bubble bar and I am just hoping that they decide to keep it around following Mother's Day - or that the very least, I can get back and grab another couple before they disappear £4.75 - and as it it the same size as The Comforter, I would say I can get about 5/6 very bubbly baths out of it (although I will have to share!)

Mission Lush almost completed, we headed to the till as all the shop floor attendants were busy and I wanted to pick up a Oatifix face mask but the shelf was empty! I have learnt over the years that my combination skin doesn't need to have harsh astringents on it instead it needs to be fed to keep the natural oils low. The banana and oats in Oatifix are perfect for this, and smell/taste good enough to eat (but please don't!)

Anyway, I digress! Whilst the lady we asked looked for Oatifix, we stepped out of the queue. When she returned (empty handed!) she offered to let us cut back in, however I am trying to instill patience in L at the moment, so declined and joined the queue again.

Whilst there I got talking to a lady and her daughter behind us, they were looking at the toothy tabs - the daughter wondering how they worked, so I explained and suggested that they are ideal for going on holiday.

Little did I know that - The Lush lady (LL) had seen this exchange and once we got to the till, she returned again, with a free sample of Full of Grace face serum as a sorry and a thank you for returning to the queue and talking to the behind, it was completely unrequired - I could rave about Lush all day, but so kind and made me smile... Good customer service and interaction is yet another selling point of the Colchester store!

She asked me if I had ever used Full of Grace and went on to explain the ingredients and how exactly to use it, as shockingly I never have!

It sounds fabulous and I didn't realise until we got home that the lovely LL had in fact given me a full size sample - which retails at £8.95 for 20g but apparently like the massage bars lasts an age if looked after and stored properly! 

Sadly, I didn't catch LL's actual name, but I will thank her when I return, although she was dressed as a cat, so hopefully I'll recognise her...

The cat thing wasn't random - it was because, this weekend all proceeds (minus vat) from the miniature £1 charity pot tins, (fab for hands and body), were going to a local cat charity, Poppies Place Rescue and yes I did contribute! Not only do I think that it is a brilliant idea to involve and support local charities but the hand cream works wonders on hands dried out by washing and alcohol gels!

I can never fault Lush Colchester, their staff are always amazing and this is my way of saying a little thank you in return, whilst also getting back into the flow of writing.

Would you be interested in a proper review of anything I have mentioned here? Or maybe my must haves for caring for skin care? Please get in touch and let me know.

Until then...

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