Hi Ho, Hi Ho, back on Plan I go...

It's been a few months - life's been hectic travelling to the wilds of East London (or South Essex depending on who you talk to) for work and to be honest I haven't had the energy or inclination to write. 

But it hasn't been all doom, gloom and traffic jams! As for the last two months, my work life has (temporarily) had a pattern to it as my secondment slowly came to an end (this will soon change - life will be busy again but that is how I like it!). So I seized the moment and joined Slimming World properly. 

As those have read my previous post will know, since my initial success and then plateau on the Dukan, three years ago(!), I have struggled to find the focus and found that the Dukan whilst good was not a long term fit - whilst I still only eat low fat dairy and proteins but I love carbs and am a picker!

So I put back on the weight I had originally lost (but not anything extra - I'm learning it's about the small wins!) and having tried weight watchers and hating the class, I gave slimming world a go at home and began to see it isn't a 'diet' but a lifestyle change. Yet still I didn't commit 100%, I was going through the motions but not applying myself, quite simply whilst there was a will there was no true desire, no inspiration and I couldn't see how I could eat all the things allowed and lose weight... Plus with the Dukan, it was big loss after big loss with each weigh in, where as with the Slimming World at 
home I was 'only' losing 1 to 3lb per weigh in (which is good but not what I had become use to!) so I became despondent.

Then something changed... Mum mentioned to me that she had send an old family friend and she and her daughter had both had amazing success at a local Slimming World class and that our friend was not far off her target. That night I went home and messaged her on FB, she encouraged me to come along the next day and make sure I stay for group, one of the things she attributes her success to. 

So the next day walked through the door of Brotherhood Hall for the 5pm group, and unlike other groups (WW and SW) I was warmly welcomed from the moment I entered by everyone. Staying to group following weigh in (even when I gain) isn't a hardship but enjoyable. Having people there who are all different stages of their Slimming World journey really helps and each week I feel inspired even if it's only a small loss... I will get there.

If I wobble during the week I know there is the group FB page, which means my timeline doesn't become filled with SW and I can keep it to just boasting about L - well he is amazing! Additionally, if I am feeling like I need a kick up the bum I have discovered a couple of pretty amazing kick-arse SW members on Instagram - one of whom has lost about 5 dress sizes since last January!! She is an inspiration and not preachy!

I hope that in time I will be able to share a similar version of my before and after. However for now here is the before taken the night I signed up in November - I look a mess, but I hadn't planned to share it - but hey ho! 

I am only a few pounds lighter at the moment (I gained a lb over Christmas week) - but hopefully by sticking to it 100% from Post-Christmas weigh in due today(!!) and trying the newly released Extra Easy features this week, the next photo will show a difference! The inches on my trusty tape measure already do! 

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