The Salon Experience - follow up blog!

The tradition of drastically making over my hair on my birthday started on my 11th Birthday (19 years ago!) when I lopped off my hip length hair. Having done similar when she got her first job and moved out, Mum encouraged me to make my own decision - in her words: 'it's only hair, it'll grow back.' 

So armed with my picture of Teri Hatcher, circa Superman, I begun the hairstyle journey that has led to today. It's safe to say, Mum has always been there to encourage me to try something and if it doesn't work fix it.

Up until I had L, I regularly had time and money to have my hair done, but with children priorities change and as my favourite stylist (and oldest friends) is one of the top stylists in his salon, therefore is currently out of my budget! 

So I have been on the hunt for the salon experience that I could afford. My sister has a friend - Kirsty - who is a brilliant and very affordable home stylist, who always fits me in at the last minute and always cuts my hair just right, but there are times when you need that extra bit of pampering and I have found it on Training Tuesday's at Ultraviolet! 

Honestly, I am not asked to endorse them - I am just a very happy client! 

Even more so as I had to take my little man with me on Tuesday and they made us both so welcome! 

He enthralled them with his chatter of Mr Men and other random things and he did me so proud - sitting in the chair playing and chatting very patiently, whilst Mummy had her hair done - which took a LONG time for him. 

All the girls took the time to come by and check on us and this wasn't just because Auntie Pia works there! Another little man (the same age) was in having his haircut before his Mummy had hers and the girls made as big a fuss of him - it's just the Ultraviolet way! 

Anyway, back to my hair, this visit I was lucky to have two trainee stylists working on my hair. Hannah was as wonderful as last time, we talked about over the next two visits, we are going to achieve Kaley Cucoco's short hair style - the base has had to be darkened before chunkier blonde is added to the ends. 

Then, Scarlett took over with the cut for her assessment, she talked through how she would cut in a graduated bob and then shorten/texturise, a little at a time so that we removed as much dry hair (left over from the home dye session) as possible, so next time Hannah can take it shorter and all the damaged bits should finally be gone! 

I was really pleased with the results - how the girls took their time to explain everything and even more pleased that Hannah was able to be signed off on a full head of foils,15 mins within the time limit - as my hair can be a nightmare with timing! 

They both recommended some TIGI products that might work for me, let me have a good sniff (the smell is as important to me as it working!) but didn't push me into buying anything and because of this I have since returned a bought a couple of bits - I may write a review once I have given them a good go at home! 

To say I am a happy girl is a understatement - even with L in tow I felt I had a relaxing salon experience and all within my budget - £20 for a cut and colour - Thank you ladies! 

P.S. A special thanks to L's favourite stylist Jamie, who kindly took him to the toilet - sorry lol!  

P.P.S I hate selfies but promised Scarlett and Hannah I'd take a photo! 


M x 

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