Working through my 30 for 30th list...

Well over the past couple of weeks I have been working through and adding to my list.

I have tried to start looking after myself by restarting the Dukan diet, but to be honest this time around I have found it a struggle to give up fruit and vegetables, so as I have heard so many good things from other bloggers and twitter users such as @tiasmum12 about Slimming World that I am going to give it a go.

So whilst no. 4 is still waiting in the stalls, I have begun on some of my other 30 for 30th goals.

Today I took time out to treat myself and start No. 23 - having a beauty treatment a month, this is an extension of no. 3 and linked to no. 22 as the lovely Paige and Elenor at Ultraviolet salon in Clacton donated their time and fees today to support fundraising for local families who's homes and lives have been devastated by a gas explosion. L and I had gone along to show our support as my Mum and sister have been heavily involved in helping, and I jumped at the chance to take advantage of trying a new beauty therapist, whilst also donating some money to the cause.

I am thrilled with the way Paige threaded my eyebrows keeping them a lovely full shape and my first go at having Gelish toenails has left me equally pleased... I can't stop admiring my toes!

I just wish it was warm enough to wear toe posts. In fact I got home and immediately called to book in at the end of the month, and in checking out their website, I found that they have treatment rooms for hire... A happy day for me as I am hoping I might be able to rent one once a month, if I can get enough interest. Which would mean no.14 would begin.

All in all a successful day/week! 


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