The start of 30 things for my 30th year...

As I mentioned at the end of my last post I have decided to take a leaf from a lovely twitter user who is aiming to do 40 things by her 40th and put my own twist on it do 30 things this year for my 30th. 

I want these to be a mix of things -  small things, silly things, some serious personal things I want to accomplish this year, but the main theme is to be slowing down before I take a giant leap next year and hopefully start my child nursing degree (so long as fate doesn't have other plans), so I will be making the most of the quality time I have with my family and finding some time for me... Before I return to Uni to develop my career further and afford me more time with D and L. 

I don't have a full 30, I will be adding things as I go along through the year, I may remove things and I am open to suggestions! But here in no particular order is what I have so far;

1. Holiday with family - the last break D and I took was the year before L was born, so a much needed break is due.

So I am hoping to take L to Centre Parcs for their winter wonderland in November. He'll love the reindeer and exploring the woods and Mummy is looking forward to the spa, and getting a evening out with D as we are going with my parents!

2. London for the wedding of a dear friend - I'm torn over taking L with us, as last year we went to my cousin's wedding and he got overtired before the reception started and we ended leaving. Plus it will mean taking him on the tube... Do we? Or do we take up my parents offer to have him for the weekend? 

3. Home spa day with my little sister - who doesn't love a home spa day... Although I quite fancy booking in to have a proper massage when we are away as it has been too long! 

4. Take care of my body - if you have read my previous entries you'll know that I am really struggling with weight loss - I must lose weight for my health, but rather than diet I am trying a new approach of taking care of myself, eating well, exercising and no more excuses! 

5. Hair make over - this is much needed I have no idea what I want but I am sick of looking like a haystack or a birds nest depending on the colour, I need a decent cut and colour, to go with my renewed style. 

6. Make up consultation - most days I am up and out the house by 6am, so I generally don't bother with make up and because of this I have lost the little ability I had with make up... So I am looking to you P, my lovely sister to help me find it again...

7. Quality time with family - we live mins from the beach and some lovely gardens where we can wile away a few hours playing and having picnics etc as well as having fun/free days out together now D is a bit better and L is old enough to enjoy the adventures but young enough for it not to have to cost the world. 

8. Driving! - I will be legally allowed to drive this year, I NEED to be legally allowed to drive this year - the test date is booked... So fingers are crossed it is 4th time lucky. 

9. Reconnect with old friends - there are a number of people that I wish we're still properly in my life, one dear friend in Wales who I want to try and meet up with, but may have to plan that catch up for next year, a friend who I met many moons ago on MySpace when we were both at the same Uni but never got chance to meet face to face, each year we say we will then life gets in the way, but this year we are going to - in fact the week has been picked we just need to choose the day. 

10. Romford for D's friend's birthday - much like with my friends every time D gets invited to return to Romford to met with old friends something comes up. So although this is for him I am going too so it is added to the list to make sure we don't miss his good friend L's 30th... 

11. Take up running - to go with the looking after myself I will be taking up running - starting with power walking/jogging with my Dad as company and moving onto properly running... It may be boring but it is free and I think I would like to do a charity run next year for a couple of causes very close to my heart, so I am adding this to ensure I at least attempt it before I collapse... I promise to regale you with hysterical tales of my mishaps! There will be many I am sure....

12. Find time to go to some gigs - last summer I went to see Keane at Newmarket Races with the team at work and really enjoyed myself so I am hoping to do it again with D and some of our friends, as well as with the work lot too... nurses know how to let their hair down! 

13. Visit art galleries - the last time I visited an art gallery is about ten years ago if not a little bit more, and I would love to lose myself at The Tate for a few hours, I am hoping that I can fit this in when we are in London. 

14. Revisit my old self - meditation/yoga/complementary therapy - ten years ago I was very much a  Phoebe, now I am older wiser but highly strung... I need to chill and revisit the calmer happier me! 

15. Apply to Uni for nursing - the big one! 

16. Defy gravity - I saw this on someone's bucket list and thought you know what I want to do this... I want to go in one of those sky diving simulators... I know I will need to lose weight before I feel comfortable doing this, so maybe this will have to be moved to next year, but it is something I want to do... I have always wanted to tandem skydive but having L, I am now petrified something bad will happen to me, so will settle for the fake skydiving for now! 

17. Climb something - I definitely need to get fit for this but I would love to try rock climbing - again something I might be able to to do at Centre Parcs?!?!

18. Get a new tattoo - I wanted one on my ring finger as I can't always wear my engagement ring for work but I am unsure on the tackiness of it now... However I will be getting a new tattoo and to make it all the more special I am having my tattoo artist friend do it. 

19. Bake a cake successfully - I don't cook... D does, I have never been one for baking but I figured you know what I am going to give it a go - I may attempt to bake a couple of birthday cakes... 

20. Have a dinner party - Again a friends reference but I am more Rachel than Monica... Jacket potato and Diet Coke could be my specialty... Actually I cook a good steak... So figured Dinner Parties are what grown ups do, I am going to be 30 and supposedly a grown up, so why not get people round and try it... If all goes wrong there's always alcohol... Grapes are food! 

21. Get my nose pierced - this one is a bit of a whim, I've thought about it on and off for years, I am not sure yet if I can convince L to leave it alone he likes to twiddle with ears... Plus gone are the days of it costing £10... they wanted £25 when I almost bit the bullet and went to see how much!  

Well for now that's it... I am open to suggestions for the final 9! Or I may just pretend it's 21 for my 21st... 



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