A year on... A fresh approach...

This time last year I started the Dukan with the intention of being whole new person by this moment, and in someways it has happened, just not as full as I expected.

You see the problem has been that I forgot that I have to take my time due to the ME and neglected to factor in that I now have a child (at the time a baby - now a energetic toddler) and a full time job - all of which are exhausting on their own!

I have come to finally recognise there are days when I feel low and all I want to do is comfort eat and when I'm feeling drained I graze at foods as it takes effort to plan what to eat, let alone preparing it and the actually eating, so knowing I'll feel a lot worse if I don't eat something I grab the simplest thing - which is usually toast or ritz crackers.

This realisation is progress though, I now know why I eat the way I do and I can change my approach. Also, knowing that in the early part of last year (whilst I was still on maternity leave) I managed to lose almost two and a half stone, means I can do it and I plan to tap into the exhilarating feelings of achievement and the physical feeling of being lighter/having less bulk, to strive to move forward this year - as I am still almost stone lighter then I had been in December 2011 and definitely a lot lighter then after I had Mousey.

So whilst the scales read that I am weighing (deep breath here as I poise myself to confess my shameful weight) 18st 7lb, I am entering this new year with positive thinking, I'll be taking baby steps and setting small targets for changes both with my health and other areas of my life.

The close of the last year brought about the realisation that life is fleeting - the sad passing of a twitter friend @multiplemummy (a lovely person who I I was lucky to know in RL many moons ago, who was a dear friend of a friend, a fabulous mummy, and who managed to balance family life, a successful blog and co-running @sciencesparks!) with Kerry's illness and then her passing, I have come to realise how precious family (both blood and chosen by the heart) are and that i can still have it all - it's just that now the definition of 'all' has changed. Today, to me 'all' means the health and happiness of my family, with work now being simply a means to be able to build memories and provide a home in which these can be made, as well providing the finances to take L to places which will spark his imagination and open his mind to all the wonderful things he can achieve or simply to have fun and enjoy!

So whilst 2012 might not have brought big changes to my physical form, mentally and emotionally I feel that the close of the year has changed me for the better.

In 2013 I am not going to be too hard on myself, I intend to use 2012 as a learning curve and take small steps. From today I am starting afresh with the healthy eating as the initial step to a truly Happy New Year...

Events planned for the year...

June - L's 2nd Birthday for which i would like special photo session done

July - my dear cousin E's wedding

November - a trip to Disneyland Paris - L's first time abroad (and mine since I was 4!)

... There will be more added as the year progresses...


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