Exante - Day 1

Day 1: This is where I currently am - 120kg, dress size 20/22. The top picture is why I am doing this - my little man. I want more energy to play with him, I want to take a ball to the park and kick it around without as much pain.My weight isn't helping my M.E. and it is causing me to snore so much that D is sleeping most nights in the lounge! 😱 The only way I am going to do all this is by kicking myself up the arse, stop procrastinating and turning to food when I am happy, sad or just because! No more little treats because I deserve it... those little treats have mounted up in lbs!! As well as £s which could be being saved for something better! I've given myself a good talking too (someone's got too) and for once I have listened. I am still an avid believer that Slimming World is the correct forever path for a healthy lifestyle change but personally I know I currently need something where there are stronger limits to start with. I played with the idea of using th...