Going blonde... Review of Ultraviolet's hair services

A few months back I wrote about how I had discovered a lovely local beauty salon called Ultraviolet at a charity fundraiser and that I intended to treat myself once a month there. Unfortunately until now life has prevented me from making it to the salon, either due to lack of time or lack of money. However, since my last blog my 'baby' sister P, has become their receptionist and occasional make up artist (she has found her calling!) and last night put out on their FB page that they had had a cancellation today with Hannah one of their junior hairstylist... Well I needed my hair coloured, as my roots were getting close to half an inch long and at just £10 a treatment on 'Trainee Tuesdays', how could this be passed up? So this morning having left L with Nana (and jumping on his Auntie P), I went off to Ultraviolet for a little bit of me time. I have been into the salon once previously, when P dragged me in about a month ago to have a colour correct treatment...