
Showing posts from August, 2012

Hello... It's been a while

Well I know it has been a while since I last blogged and sadly no I haven't lost anything in my absence - I wish I was blogging to say 'break out the trumpets another stone gone' but alas (this word isn't used enough for my liking!) I am unable to even do that because as I write this my bathroom scales sit broken as a silent reminder that I need to replace them... The coward in me is kind of glad that they have as I know they'll say something horrid, however on the flip side without them I have completely lost my drive! Although I will hold my hands up and admit I had become a bit obsessive in my weighing every morning and perhaps again at night to see what water/food weight I had gained! So perhaps this break whilst not good for my weight loss has been good on my mental approach... Perhaps... So as many of these recent entries have mentioned I need to REFOCUS but I need to be in the right mindset and not so bloody exhausted or bloody broke either - because let...